
Green Pastures

Green Pastures = enough for today Psalm 23:1-2 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” You probably do not picture the image above as a green pasture. I know I did not for many years, typically imagining lush hills […]



Have your prayers become self-centered? Is God a “genie in a bottle” for you, that you go to when you need something? Are your prayers primarily focused on these categories; health-wealth-happiness? If so, now is a great time to refocus your prayers. Paul in his various letters helps us by giving us examples of what […]


Our Burdens

Life in this sin-cursed world has its many difficulties.  God made us as relational beings because He is relational within Himself (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – 3 in 1).  He has equipped us to not handle our burdens alone.  We are to give them over to the Lord and help each other with […]


The Gospel For Christians

The gospel of Jesus Christ. Christians please do not stop reading, this is meant for you! [If you do not know what the gospel is and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please read (this) first]. As Christians when we hear or read about the gospel we often “check out” mentally. I […]


A concise presentation of the Gospel

Many lack a confidence in sharing the Gospel. Just knowing how or refreshing yourself on how is very helpful.  Below you will find a very straightforward progression with scripture backing to help you gain confidence! Before starting it is important to remember a few things: -We will never save anyone, we are called to proclaim […]

Biblical Manhood

Biblical Manhood

The world loves to define manhood. It gets thrown at us daily not only from our mind but from our family, friends, jobs, activities, entertainment, advertisements, etc. Many of these definitions are destructive and are often changing. So, we must ground what manhood is by the truth of God’s Word, which does not change and […]